A young office worker turns into an insect. As an insect, he enters the orifices of his enemies and possesses them, allowing him to enact his revenge...
Ayush suffers from sleep paralysis and dark hallucinations, haunted by shadowy figures that represent his repressed fears. Trapped between dream and...
Ihsan is a simple employee in the Ministry of Culture from the house to the office and vice versa his work colleague Nargis loves and plans to marry...
Акысыз Чексиз мүмкүндүк, Бардык жарнамаларды издөө, Миллиондогон наамдар жана күн сайын кошулат, Бардык платформалар жана толугу менен оптималдаштырылган, Кайда болбосун жана каалаган убакта