A janitor for the world's largest Murder Room company gets an unexpected surprise when he begins to suspect his wife is cheating on him with their...
Short film in competition at the 48Hours Film Project. Sci-Fi/Mystery genre. Directed by Simone Marsella, starring Ludovica Castrichella, Dario...
In 1962, with the looming threat of communism and the brink of disaster with the Cuban Missile Crisis, a restless and worried President John F....
“It Came from the Tap” is a 4-minute film made with a group of friends for a local 48-hour horror film competition called “Lost...
A young track and field athlete gets a full scholarship at a renowned university in Seattle. But, after a wild night of celebrating, she sleeps with...
where did she go?
Two conspiracy theorists enlist the aid of an expert to interpret some confidential information.
A modern retelling of Frankenstein.
During the break of her theater play, Luna gets confronted with the consequences of her own ambitions
A stressed, procrastinating student uses a evil 90s AI program to finish his final assignments. He is willing to finish the assignments, no matter...
In the genre 'Fish out of water,' short film 'HEMELSBREED' was made for the 48 Hour Film Project - Leeuwarden.
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