The story of a rabbi and his talking cat, a sharp-tongued feline philosopher brimming with scathing humor and a less than pure love for the rabbi's...
In the midst of the war in Gaza during the Second Intifada in 2003, two 12-year-old boys, one Palestinian and one Israeli, along with a former...
After failing to make it into a major soccer tournament for 50 years, the Israeli National team finally gets into the Euro 2020 Qualifying...
Amjad is an Arab-Israeli journalist whose problems with cultural identity drive himself and all around him crazy especially his wife, Bushra.
Mockumentary based on the life of Israeli-Arab writer and journalist, Sayed Kashua, creator of the series 'Arab Labor'. Kataeb, Palestinian writer...
Mouna is a Palestinian photographer living in Tel Aviv, moments before her big professional break. When a military operation in Gaza goes out of...
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