An orphan bear cub hooks up with an adult male as they try to dodge human hunters.
Filmmakers Alastair Fothergill and Keith Scholey chronicle a year in the lives of an Alaskan brown bear named Sky and her cubs, Scout and Amber....
Two bear cubs, one black, one brown, frolic near their sleeping father.
A bear cub and a raccoon become fast friends when they're swept away down a river, away from their families.
The end of the 1950s. The Chinese passenger plane, following the Beijing-Moscow flight, enters a thunderstorm and makes an emergency landing in the...
A mole lad with sensitive vision is allowed outside to play in the daylight on the condition that he stay close to home. Outdoors, he meets a...
The crew of a navy boat rescue a bear cub.
Casper befriends a bear cub with a natural talent for juggling. Soon the cub is in the circus, but a gorilla proves to be much scarier than any ghost.
Two orphaned bear cubs would’ve been destined to starve – if a man had not adopted them. The film shows the twins’ life with their...
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