A notorious gangster is incited to transform into a film hero and opts for a filmmaker and their project descends into a scenario they had never...
A court-marshalled soldier with a traumatic past helps a young girl from 'lower' caste and an aspiring boxer work towards her dreams despite her...
The film explores barriers of class and status stitched in the minds of societies, underscoring a narrative of love that can never be fulfilled. Or...
A lightman falls for a girl who runs a soda centre. While love blossoms between the couple, caste prejudice that runs deeply rooted in their town...
During the 2020 pandemic summer, El Colegio de la Desextinción infiltrated into the holidays of four Divine Caste’s descendants. This...
Casteism and racism are not stories from remote past. In Indian society, these evils take a peculiar shape at the intersection of 'class'. "Kathrika"...
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