When a team of explorers ventures into the uncharted maze of bones that lies beneath the streets of Paris, they embark on a journey into madness and...
Still in the thrall of the evil vampire Radu, Michelle yearns to be taught the skills of the vampire. Meanwhile, her sister Becky tries to free her...
In antique Rome, a simple pepboy for chars becomes involved in a coup against Cesar. Rahatlocum is a North African Roman colony where Julius Caesar...
A young professor travels to Budapest to locate a lost colleague. Once there, he gets tangled up in a supernatural mystery.
In the 17th century, an order of monks in Italy capture and entomb a demon that has possessed a member of their group. 400 years later, school...
Three students celebrate their graduation with a visit of the Paris catacombs. When they discover a bunker, little do they know it's not the only...
Adam is a young boy living with his family in dark catacombs below the ground. One day he discovers a new comer in their underground building and...
Based on Geoffrey Fletcher’s book, this captivating documentary exposes the real London of the swinging sixties. Turning its back on familiar...
A mother, herself retired from the police, embarks on an underground exploration of Paris to find her daughter, a missing investigator on a mission.
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