Animated version of the classic Charles Dickens story. Warned by the ghost of his old business partner Marley that his sins would lead to punishment...
The story of how George Michael and Andrew Ridgeley's Wham! turned one song into a cultural phenomenon. As well as new interviews with Wham! fans and...
The story of driven, heartless, publishing executive, Carol Huffman, who on Christmas Eve is visited by the ghost of her former boss, Eve. Eve tells...
Nancy Taylor, a divorced mother of three, feels especially lonely during the holidays. All she wants for Christmas is to meet a nice man - even just...
Allen Karroll hates Christmas ever since his ex-girlfriend humiliated him in front of thousands of people one Christmas. As a man who writes greeting...
Carol Cartman, a tempestuous talk show host, is a high-heeled, high-maintenance Scrooge. This insensitive, self-centered and stingy woman is about to...