Rachel is experiencing a cruel adolescence, both at home and outside of it; her unemployed father unloading his frustration and rage upon his wife...
Minoo takes her husband, Hamed, to meet his ex-sweetheart, sepideh. This meeting revives old memories...
Radu is having a hard time dealing with his mother’s death.
Julia and Diego spend a weekend taking care of Diego’s nephew, in a house far from the city. Everything goes on normally until Julia’s...
On a boat at night, the secret journey of a man returning home.
A humoristic adaptation of a popular medieval theme "dance of death". A patchwork of symbols illustrates human passing. Following a three-legged...
Hagar comes to visit her father who lives in a nursing home in Jerusalem. Unable to deal with his condition she looks at him and turns away, but a...
It is the dead of night and there is a blackout in the city. A single mother is visited by Cándido, her former partner and her most recent...
A young couple. A luxurious hotel room. A wedding party.
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