Trapped inside a fortified home owned by a mysterious couple, a young boy quickly learns the true nature of the homicidal inhabitants, and secret...
Set in the aftermath of an oppressive class war, a pregnant officer aboard an escape pod must struggle to survive with her remaining crew when a...
The wealthy members of an exclusive backwoods retreat face an existential threat from both a disgruntled former manager as well as a subversive,...
Set in Hong Kong in the 1980s, the film follows a fisherman’s son who rises to become a powerful tai pan.
Harry is an industrialist who loves his daughter Bijlee, and the bond they share with Harry's man friday, Matru. Bijlee's plan to wed the son of a...
A deep look at the class warfare and the contradictions that African-Americans face within their own community when many of them are ostracized...
Walter Pinner is the titular Punch And Judy Man plying his trade in the seaside town of Piltdown. Unhappily married to his social climbing wife, who...
Dismissed following an unfortunate initiative, financial advisor Benoît Lepape decides to work for his uncle, a union activist. His capitalist...
Remake of Wes Craven's 1991 horror comedy.
A janitor for the world's largest Murder Room company gets an unexpected surprise when he begins to suspect his wife is cheating on him with their...
In a school of separate worlds, boundaries have been set and lines have been drawn. Their love will break the rules.
Complex battle of the sexes and classes as a neurotic rich woman has an affair with her father's calculating valet.
Al Levin examines the system which functions to keep the working class in the United States oppressed.
In the 14th century, Barcelona is experiencing one of its most prosperous moments. The city has grown to La Ribera, a fishing district in which the...
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