Josh meets a young woman who shortly afterwards collapses and is rushed to hospital in an ambulance. He follows after her only to find that there is...
In the 1950s, a horror-comic artist's creations come alive and kill him. Years later a new cartoonist revives the creatures in his house, now part of...
Dean has been stumped for some time in his attempt to produce a follow-up to "I was a Teenage Speed Freak," his incredibly successful graphic novel....
Why do the comic-strip Adventures of Tintin, about an intrepid boy reporter, continue to fascinate us decades after their publication? "Tintin and I"...
From early life in Yorkshire mining town, the documentary plots the rise of Comic Book artist Dean Ormston, co-creator of the Black Hammer universe,...
Florida, 1994. Artist Mike Diana is convicted on an obscenity charge in the wake of an undercover police officer purchasing his limited edition zine...