This story revolves around the cold and icy "male god" professor Zhang Sinian and the calm and sunny Yun Shu. After a fractious first meeting, where...
After falling in love with genius programmer Jiang Yicheng, Lu Li gets into the school he once studied at, and also took up the same calculus major....
He Qiaoyan, the stoic CEO of Heshi Group, and Qin Yiyue, a warm and optimistic child psychologist, find their relationship evolving from professional...
If you can buy the love you dream of, what are you willing to trade for? Welcome to the world's largest love shopping center-Love Outlets! Here, you...
Han Ji-eun is a naive writer who got swindled out of everything she owned including her house by her best friends. Stranded in China, She managed to...
The romance between Lee Kang hoon, the CEO of the world's largest company, and Cha Yoon seo, an attractive, innocent and lovely looking veterinarian....