The day begins with an exchange of favours. An interview, a football game, cigarettes after cigarettes. Routine fragments of those who live in an...
"Granddaughters of Witches"? A discussion about the reality of the modern woman. Featuring anthropologist Carla Cristina Garcia and artist MC Tha.
The unlucky in love writer Bandaged searches for a moral of the story that explains why his romantic experiences never end in "happily ever after."...
In this short comedy, Luis Vaz de Camoes, the greatest Portuguese renaissance poet, struggles creatively while engaging in a hedonistic, coprophagic,...
A young black man wakes up chained in a dark room and is hypnotized by the static of a TV.
Murilo Peres and Pedro Barros get a once-in-a-lifetime pass to roll on the fabled curves of some undisputed masterpieces of modern architecture....
An entity gives a hopeless man a peculiar gift: a TV remote that allows him to enter the device, turning it into his own dimension. Within this VHS...
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