On 30 April 1945, dictator Adolf Hitler, his wife Eva Braun, and prominent members of the Third Reich live out their final hour in the...
In 1942 Bavaria, Eva is alone, when Adolf arrives with Josef, his wife Magda, and Martin to spend a couple of days without politics.
This film captures the affair, full of love, lust, and despair, between Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun, from 1932 until their double suicide in 1945.
Everyone knows the public archive footage of Hitler. But most of it is silent. What was he saying? Special computer technology enables us for the...
Comprised of video shot during the Nazi regime, including propaganda, newsreels, broadcasts and even some of Eva Braun's colorized personal home...
Eva Braun. Hitler’s mistress and eventual wife. A woman with a passion for photography and film, documenting the daily ongoings among...
Daniel Costelle and Isabelle Clarke have found at the NARA (National Archives in Washington DC) almost four hours of footage, mostly in colour,...
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