Sixty-six adolescents, residents of Favela da Maré, were selected to participate in a dance show led by the choreographer Ivaldo Bertazzo,...
The drama recounts the need for dialogue and attention on raising children through their characters: three mothers and their children. Marcia (Dani...
The women of the first Garífuna community in Honduras work hard for the future of their daughters. Surrounded by a dazzling landscape, they...
The documentary shows the awakening of the poor youth to social consciousness in the identification of life that imitates art with art that imitates...
Brazil's "Red Command" drug cartel is considered a plague by the government. But for the people of the favelas they control, Red Command *is* the...
Documentary addressing the composer Cartola and the transformations that took place in Morro Carioca and in Samba during his life. Founder of the...
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