The untold origin story of Optimus Prime and Megatron, better known as sworn enemies, but once were friends bonded like brothers who changed the fate...
When Susan Murphy is unwittingly clobbered by a meteor full of outer space gunk on her wedding day, she mysteriously grows to 49-feet-11-inches. The...
Originally a collection of clips from the Neon Genesis Evangelion TV series, Death was created as a precursor to the re-worked ending of the series....
Grandiene has been waiting for the day of resurrection, the day when the planets are in the alignment of the Grand Cross. Her children descend to the...
The warrior of light Eldran and his robot Raijin-Oh, get injured in a battle with the Jaku Empire from the 5th-dimensional world. They fall down into...
Set in the future, a giant fighting machine called the Aquarion is humanity's only effective weapon in the fight against the technologically advanced...
The Sky Force sends five highly trained operatives to participate in an experiment which will expose them to Birdonic Waves, resulting in superhuman...
The evil empire, Shadow Line appeared to cover the world in darkness. Five childhood friends who have great imaginations were selected as the ToQgers...