On behalf of "oppressed bugs everywhere," an inventive ant named Flik hires a troupe of warrior bugs to defend his bustling colony from a horde of...
Young Haru rescues a cat from being run over, but soon learns it's no ordinary feline; it happens to be the Prince of the Cats.
Wilbur the pig is scared of the end of the season, because he knows that come that time, he will end up on the dinner table. He hatches a plan with...
Jane, a struggling but perpetually stoned actress, has a busy day ahead. She has several important tasks on her list, including buying more...
David Attenborough takes us on a guided tour through the secret world of plants, to see things no unaided eye could witness. Each episode in this...
Geologist Ian Stewart explain in three stages of natural history the crucial interaction of our very planet's physiology and its unique wildlife....
When the world is taken over by flesh eating zombies, best friends Tommy and Edwin figure out a way to benefit from it by turning zombies into...
Documentary on the process of hay-making, from the cutting of the grass to the stacking of the hay.
A series of visions relayed through a heightened consciousness. These views frame the shadowy recesses that offer access to the underworld and draw...
A film killing itself.
Gimme Green is a humorous look at the American obsession with the residential lawn and the effects it has on our environment, our wallets and our...
A princess is held by a curse in a secret place. You know you're getting close when you find diamonds in the grass. But all the princes who tried to...
Story about one boy who confronts himself from the future.
Presented by Voices in Society and Travelers Insurance Indemnity, this untitled PSA-style film from the 1970s is a compilation of various anti-drug...
A performative criminal is unable to find a valuable bag; instead, he finds a suspicious man who may be in the wrong place at the wrong time.
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