When a feminist filmmaker sets out to document the mysterious and polarizing world of the Men’s Rights Movement, she begins to question her own...
When hard boiled private eye Donald Strachey finds his latest client dead, an apparent suicide, Albany’s favorite gay detective smells a rat...
The story of a young woman named Jane 57821, who is living in a totalitarian near-future society where citizens are referred to as 'computers.'...
Over the course of a year, film follows Vancouver Pride Society president Ken Coolen to various international Pride events, including Poland,...
When David, an ex-monk still in his twenties meets Mark, he falls hard; soon he's asked Mark if they can live together. Things go well for awhile,...
Gay detective Donald Strachey is commissioned to protect gay activist John Rutka, known for "outing" prominent citizens.
This is the tale of a young woman, growing up in the age of the internet and turning the search for oneself into a public spectacle, allowing kids...
Guillermo Gómez Álvarez explores the identity politics of Puerto Rico via archival footage from various sources that clash with nine...
Why wouldn't you? Is there any reason not to? We've got so much at our disposal, so, why don't you? Won't you tell me? Won't you please tell me? To...
Organza, a broke artist living in deep space, must travel across the galaxy to seek revenge on her ex in order to cure her mysterious illness. As she...
In this funny and provocative series, rapper and activists Killer Mike puts his revolutionary ideas about achieving social change into action.
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