Documentary on Les Charlots, known as The Crazy Boys in the English-speaking world, a group of French musicians, singers, comedians and film actors...
After receiving a letter calling for a secret conspiracy meeting, a woman is mistaken for a controversial policy and kidnapped by a pair of...
ANA C. uses videoart and videoperformance to express the relationship between the marginalized poet Ana Cristina Cesar with art itself.
Rebels on the surface, retrogrades in essence. “The Ridiculists”, a duo composed of the eccentric and explosive, “The...
A film-truth document. It presents the life of Luis, a man who wanders the streets of the city, going to and from work, contemplating the windows of...
A documentary on the restoration of Rogério Sganzerla's 1970 film "Copacabana, Mon Amour".
A short film made from photos of Boca do Lixo, a bohemian and marginal neighborhood, and its people.
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