The cruel and abusive headmaster of a boarding school, Michel Delassalle, is murdered by an unlikely duo -- his meek wife and the mistress he...
A chronicle of the life of 18th century aristocrat Georgiana, Duchess of Devonshire, who was reviled for her extravagant political and personal life.
After his wife and her blind sister have died under his care, a doctor's small daughter is kidnapped and reported as buried alive, and he is given...
In a small Mississippi town in 1916, an eccentric spinster battles her romantic yearnings for the randy boy next door.
Two men and a woman form a triangle confined by a lighthouse.
Parisian bon vivant, World War II Resistance fighter, Nobel Prize-winning playwright, philandering husband and recluse…Samuel Beckett lived a...
An American playwright living in Rome consults a quack psychiatrist to combat his fears of balding and save his failing marriage.
Cynthia Warren, independently wealthy through her ability as an illustrator and poster artist, rebels against the premise that every woman is...
A philanderer falls victim to an extortion scheme when four masked strangers demand restitution for his sins.
An Austrian military officer and rogue attempts to seduce the wife of a surgeon. The two men confront each other in a test of abilities that ends...
An ex-newspaper woman who is now a suburban housewife can't resist getting involved in an investigation of the murder of a philandering dentist who...
A prominent New York doctor, unable to have a child, discovers her philandering husband has impregnated her best friend.
A notorious womanizer sets his sights on a pretty American tourist, only to be told by his doctor that he must give up all romance for his health.
A wife decides to take revenge when she learns her husband has been unfaithful.
A middle-aged writer returns to London after years abroad. Soon, his headlong pursuit of pleasure upsets the lives of all those around him.
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