When teacher Simon arrives in a small, secluded village to take over the local school, he is surprised to discover that his predecessor has...
A man working in a fish cannery has a guilty conscience and begins to imagine he is a murderer. In his delirium/dream the fish try him for murder in...
Based on parts of Rita Lee’s autobiography “Uma Autobiografia”, the documentary explores Rita’s remaining legacy in her...
Three children visit their friend Bethie's clubhouse where they are encouraged to be as silly as possible as long as they learn and do well in...
Rare collection of TV-, promo-, and live-clips from the early years. Tracklist: 1. Can I Sit Next To You Girl (1974, with Dave Evans) 2. High...
The Adventures of Paddy the Pelican is an animated miniseries that first aired on ABC (US) in 1950. The show is notorious for a variety of factors...
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