In a world where humans only communicate telepathically, Nima searches for a butterfly. Her encounter with a black cat leads her to an apathetic old...
Mudos testigos is a cinematographic collage made from all the surviving material of Colombian silent films, re-editing the images in such a way as to...
The story of Edgar Pomeroy, the first in a series, in which the boy Edgar imagines himself the triumphant master of his fate, revenging himself on a...
A young woman was buried alive with the intention of killing, but she survived by chance. hears the cries of her little girl and fights to stay alive...
Sergei, an aspiring musician, accidentally meets a deaf-mute girl, Natasha, and falls in love with her. He has to change a lot to prepare himself for...
On a volcanic island near the Kingdom of Hetvia rules Count Dakkar, a benevolent leader and scientist who has eliminated class distinction among the...
As an astronaut mourns the death of her canine companions, a pet shop employee sees to help her fill the fluffy void. Unsuccessful, they both despair...