A mouse-deer, Sang Kancil, small in figure but cunning and wise. With his intelligence, Sang Kancil often escapes dangers and sometimes helps other...
Two struggling brothers start a money lending business, facing fierce opposition from rival Ah Longs. They must save a tailor from a ruthless enemy...
Jeru is striving to achieve his dream career while managing his campursari band, Konco Seneng, alongside his friends Rick, Novian, Wahyu, and Aruna....
The film is based on the events of the 4th International Orthodox Music Festival held in Moscow in February, 1992. The Festival featured not only...
Tino, a single father who faces great challenges in raising his two children, finds out one day that he is also the father of two rebellious...
Charismatic Mía gets a scholarship to an elite performing arts school, where she makes close friends but clashes with the owner's popular...
The original directing team of "The Treasured Voice" passionately creates a music variety show masterpiece titled "Hit Song 2024." Under the banner...
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