The development of professional soccer worldwide owes a great debt to the soccer – or "football" – that is played on the streets of...
"De Pleintjes" is a documentary about Antwerp's street football culture. Rough areas such as Het Kiel, Borgerhout, Deurne and Stuivenberg are the...
How do seven young people, former street children from Romania, get to see the Pacific Ocean? On 1 December 2008, a Romanian national team...
Four Oddballs of Saigon or The Saigon Fabulous Four is a 1973 Vietnamese 35mm eastmancolor film directed by La Thoại Tân.
Miranda, the Manchester Acatitla forward, returns home after a victorious match. On her way back, she faces dangers off the court.
The reality of women's football (soccer) in France.
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