A brokenhearted young man has a strange encounter with a beautiful girl as their cars are parked in front of each other. The awkward situation soon...
Saint Street is a classic American Christmas tale for the entire family. The story follows Percy who is a good man, but has found himself caught up...
Film made at Hyde Park Corner in 1896 by an unknown filmmaker. It looks south west across Grosvenor Place. The southern wing of St George's Hospital...
This documentary on the "youth movement" of the late 1960s focuses on the hippie pot smoking/free love culture in the San Francisco Bay area.
An elderly painter, who hasn't touched a paintbrush for quite a while, wanders around the city with a film camera. One day he sees two beautiful...
In 1901 people in Belfast paid their tram drivers in carrots.
2 adventurous teenagers decide to go into a supposedly haunted apartment building.
Bustling scenes show Edwardian Derry-Londonderry before industrialisation took hold.
A day in the life of the Manchester Evening News.
A wintry Watford High Street buzzes with busy shoppers.
Residents of the Cleveland market town of Stockton High Street smile for the camera on market day.
The story of a girl with a difficult family situation. Friends on the street who help her find the way, but fate has other plans for her.
A film killing itself.
Comedystreet is a German entertainment show created by and starring comedian Simon Gosejohann. The show follows a hidden camera format. Gosejohann...
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