After Phillip Eppermint manages to evade a prison sentence in Thailand, Checkered Ninja comes alive and seeks out Alex. Together, with Alex and his...
Batang X is a 1995 Filipino film released under Regal Films. The film is about 5 children with superhuman abilities who get kidnapped by the alien...
A group of young ninjas enters a ninja school where they encounter a cast of eccentric teachers and learn various bizarre ninja techniques. However,...
7 kid ninjas try to return a diamond to its rightful owner. But while trying to return the diamond, the ninjas become crossed up with an Asian mob....
Zack and Ashlee discover the meaning of true friendship when they create an imaginary friend, the superhero Rem Lezar.
In 1994, two brothers are enjoying the summer that will change everything: the youngest, Lucas, is starting school and will have to accept that his...
Mighty Raju preps for a new adventure in Rio de Janeiro, where he goes toe-to-toe with rival soccer players, faces capoeira fighters and more.
In a world where about 8 in 10 people posses some kind of super power, Reineldis De La Cruz is a high school senior wanting to pursue hero work. In...
After turning his life around, Sensei EJ creates Warriors Karate Academy in the basement of Greater Glory Ministries in Columbus, Ohio. A summer...
Marinette and Adrien, two Parisian teenagers, are entrusted with powerful jewels in order to transform into superheroes Ladybug and Cat Noir. But...
When a young boy vanishes, a small town uncovers a mystery involving secret experiments, terrifying supernatural forces, and one strange little girl.
Three boys—Kotaro, a ninja in training, Rikiya, a training baseball player and Yosuke, a studying scholar—were living normal lives in...
After Ben's coronation in Descendants, the villain kids Mal, Evie, Carlos and Jay settle in at being good while their villainous parents are still...
This 20-episode series shares the remarkable, positive change several young heroes are making in their own communities across the country. These...
Hatzatzakanim could convert their alien form into a human form, for camouflage and star exploration
Josh, Alex, Campbell, and Gretel are four ordinary kids who are thrown together when they discover the Silver Shadow, a long-forgotten dead...
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