The film describes the microcosmos of the small village Wacken and shows the clash of the cultures, before and during the biggest heavy metal...
Wacken Open Air is the biggest 3-day-rock- and metal-festival in the world. It's three days of raw energy, non-stop Heavy Metal music at full blast...
01. Disasterpiece 02. Wait And Bleed 03. All Out Life 04. Sulfur 05. Before I Forget 06. The Dying Song (Time To Sing) 07. Dead Memories 08....
1) Intro (Resurrection) [00:05] 2) Bye Bye Beautiful [03:25] 3) Dark Chest of Wonders [07:40] 4) Whoever Brings the Night [13:10] 5) The Siren...
01) Intro 02) To the Edge 03) Fragments of Faith 04) Swamped 05) In Visible Light 06) Fragile 07) Closer 08) Senzafine 09) What I See 10)...
A unique, 2 hour Accept show, shot on August 3rd, 2017 at the legendary W:O:A, where the band played the biggest and most extraordinary show of their...
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