In a household ruled by a domineering patriarch, a young reserved woman clings on to a cassette tape gifted by someone from her past – reliving...
Ditched by her friend at a party, Dani is surrounded by strangers that she doesn't like. Among the crowd, she spots classmate Julia, loudly fighting...
Self-preserving college student Ruth must confront her past with social media when she stumbles upon a vlog influencer faking her death as a prank.
When her ex girlfriend calls asking to meet up, Sofia leaves her a voicemail to talk about how great her life is going.
Geumhee has always felt safe and comfortable working at her best friend Taeri's company. But everything changes when Bora comes and stirs things...
Camera Shy is a 10-episode LGBTQIA+ TikTok web series filmed from the perspective of a laptop camera. Ellie, a budding photographer accidentally...
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