A prequel to the critically acclaimed series featuring Jerri Blank, a 46 year old ex-junkie, ex-con who returns to high school in a bid to start her...
A simple funeral turns a man's world Topsy turvy. He wakes up in a posh hotel room, totally clueless about how he got there. Slowly, he recalls what...
"Too Many Cooks" is a humorous parody of US sitcoms of the 1970s and the 1980s, meanwhile what seems like an interminable opening theme, a mysterious...
The Absurd, Surreal, Metaphysical and Fractured Destiny of Cerebus the AardvarkHD
IMDb: 10
The animated film is based on the comic book "Cerebus the Aardvark", considered by many to have started the indie alternative comic field. It started...
Earth has been populated by thousands of aliens from all over the galaxy. While all the other aliens are aware of their presence, it is a secret only...
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