Emilio strikes up a conversation with Jennifer in which he tells her about his afflictions about his life and his family, and then finds himself with...
The personal stories lived by the Uncle, the Father and the Son, respectively, form a tragic experience that is drawn along a line in time. This line...
Bakabon (Okarina) lives with his Papa (Ueda Shinya), Mama (Matsushita Nao) and younger brother Hajime-chan (Hayasaka Hirara). His bumbling Papa is a...
The whole movie is a digital hand drawing animation short. It tells the stories of my father. After a dramatic turning point, life is still flat and...
Gratis onlimitéiert Zougang, Sicht fir näischt Keng Annoncen, Milliounen Titelen an all Dag derbäi, All Plattformen a Voll Optimiséiert, Iwwerall an ëmmer