The quixotic journey of Nam June Paik, one of the most famous Asian artists of the 20th century, who revolutionized the use of technology as an...
The sarcastic account of the assassination of five Spanish politicians between 1870 and 1973 is mixed with the narration of five short stories by...
Kiart, Scoops, Yeepa, and the Queerbaiter take a trip to a different dimension (Huesca)
An inspiring 75min DIY documentary film on new art and the young artists behind it. It was all filmed on the heat of live action of the first NOVA...
Enclosed by a civilised landscape, society reduces the problem of human survival to a minimum. The sidewalk, the fence, the clearing, demarcate a...
The opening of The Vasulka Effect couldn’t be more apt: Steina Vasulka addresses her husband Woody through various TV screens. He does the same...
The art of experiencing an individuals creativity and the way their minds form the movement to express themeselves;the best people will always help...
“From This” is a permanent cycle. This video intended to be timeless in its original action plan, to be played constantly in a particular...
A compilation of light cones of electric torches.
Religions are like cactus. They look like flowers, but with bare blades.
a visualization of a poem telling a story of making a piramid out of a mountain
Guy Ben-Ner, one of Israel's foremost video artists, gained international recognition with a series of low-tech films, starring his family in...
Like a Wave in the Sea
The Nightwatch documents an action realised by Alÿs in 2004 in which he released a fox into London’s National Portrait Gallery in the...
Gratis onlimitéiert Zougang, Sicht fir näischt Keng Annoncen, Milliounen Titelen an all Dag derbäi, All Plattformen a Voll Optimiséiert, Iwwerall an ëmmer