After depleting Earth's resources for centuries, humankind's survival requires an exodus to outer space. An international expedition is quickly...
When strange lights descend on the city of Los Angeles, people are drawn outside like moths to a flame where an extraterrestrial force threatens to...
Carnivorous aliens arrive unannounced at a Kansas family farm; two intergalactic bounty hunters soon follow, determined to blow them off the planet.
As fanged, furious furballs viciously invade an L.A. apartment building and sink their teeth into the low-rent tenants, Josh leads the battle to beat...
Led by a strange dream, scientist Aki Ross struggles to collect the eight spirits in the hope of creating a force powerful enough to protect the...
At the height of the Cold War, a Soviet spacecraft crash lands after a mission gone awry, leaving the commander as its only survivor. After a...
Set in the aftermath of an oppressive class war, a pregnant officer aboard an escape pod must struggle to survive with her remaining crew when a...
Mercer's brother, an amateur pilot, crashes on an island and is killed by a giant spider. A year later, when Mercer goes in search of him, she...
I won't tell you whose voice over leads us through three extreme situations that are actually the same. Will you survive?
What if there was a museum that contained every type of life form in the universe? This experience takes you on a tour through the possible forms...
On its way back to Earth, the space shuttle Nautilus passes through a cloud of alien spores causing its sole occupant, astronaut Steve Thomas to...
Godzilla… Predator… Robby the Robot… The Gill Man… These are some of the most iconic characters in cinema, but many...
The Jones Family of Indiana had an "SC" crash land his spaceship in their backyard. What's it like living with an "SC"?
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