Thymian Henning, an innocent young girl, is raped by the clerk of her father's pharmacy. She becomes pregnant, is rejected by her family, and must...
Jeremy Rollins, a shy and underdeveloped young man with an uncanny condition, learns how to cope with life in a small corrupt town.
This animated version of the classic Charles Dickens book faithfully follows the adventures of the young orphan Oliver Twist.
A young woman is losing hope in humankind, doesn’t see any reason to continue living. She is shocked by how helplessly and wrongly civilized...
ບໍ່ ຈຳ ກັດການເຂົ້າເຖິງຟຣີ, ຊອກຫາຫຍັງບໍ່ມີໂຄສະນາ, ຫົວລ້ານແລະເພີ່ມທຸກມື້, ທຸກແພລະຕະຟອມແລະຖືກປັບປຸງໃຫ້ສົມບູນແບບ, ທຸກບ່ອນແລະທຸກເວລາ