Sixteen-year-old Lilja and her only friend, the young boy Volodja, live in Russia, fantasizing about a better life. One day, Lilja falls in love with...
When Erin Bell was a young cop, she was given an undercover assignment that ended badly and destroyed her life. Years later, she must face her demons...
Prim professor Immanuel Rath finds some of his students ogling racy photos of cabaret performer Lola Lola and visits a local club, The Blue Angel, in...
In order to win over a tough dramatist at her next audition, a young actress turns to method acting to such an extreme that she slowly loses herself...
A mid-level manager who develops an aversion to being a good person questions his morality as he faces the challenges of middle age and loses control...
An unemployed ex-office worker searching for work floats a fragile line of sanity as she struggles to find friendship and companionship. Her tenuous...
An ageist sales manager reluctantly takes over his dismissive father's mobility scooter business. He wants to create a fancy new advert for the store...
Malou is a woman living in a fancy Stockholm suburb, but her successful facade is on the verge of collapsing . When she happens to stumble across 47...