Following their explosive showdown, Godzilla and Kong must reunite against a colossal undiscovered threat hidden within our world, challenging their...
In 1933 New York, an overly ambitious movie producer coerces his cast and hired ship crew to travel to mysterious Skull Island, where they encounter...
Five young New Yorkers throw their friend a going-away party the night that a monster the size of a skyscraper descends upon the city. Told from the...
The Japanese government sets up a special task force to fight the giant creatures suddenly appearing across the country. Soon, the squad unexpectedly...
The evil empire, Shadow Line appeared to cover the world in darkness. Five childhood friends who have great imaginations were selected as the ToQgers...
Grandiene has been waiting for the day of resurrection, the day when the planets are in the alignment of the Grand Cross. Her children descend to the...
The Sky Force sends five highly trained operatives to participate in an experiment which will expose them to Birdonic Waves, resulting in superhuman...