When the citizens of a small evangelical town systematically begin committing suicide, a young girl struggling to reconcile her Christian upbringing...
Chronicles three years of a middle class family seemingly caught up in their daily routines, only troubled by minor incidents. Behind their apparent...
Featuring never-before-seen footage, this documentary delivers a startling new look at the Peoples Temple, headed by preacher Jim Jones who, in 1978,...
China, 1930s, during the ravaging civil war. General Pen entrusts O'Hara, an intrepid American adventurer, with the mission of providing a large sum...
Two men, who both have tried to commit a suicide, decide to found a "Let's do it together"-suicide association to help the self-destructive people to...
Near future. Giovanni is one of the creators of a special elixir that regenerates cells. The human being has overcome the greatest limit: mortality....
A period piece about a young actor getting into a wacky situation at a party on December 31st, 2019. Also, there might be something fishy about this...