Rose, a desperate mother takes her adopted daughter, Sharon, to the town of Silent Hill in an attempt to cure her of her ailment. After a violent car...
A group of people come up with provocative or downright nasty sexual scenarios like rape, bestiality, tree branch masturbation, candle masturbation,...
A small-town police chief investigating a murder is offered help by a self-described psychic. However, when the chief discovers that the "psychic" is...
A hostel is a student's second home, but what happens when this safe place turns into a torture house? A gripping thriller, depicting the effects of...
Rebellious Arivu (Manoj) -- who's incessantly at odds with his father -- shocks his family with his gallantry in this unconventional romantic drama....
Morisaki is passionate about education, and luckily she is hired as an intern in a private secondary school. To her surprise, Morisaki discovers that...