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Reģistrēšanās prasa mazāk nekā 1 minūti, pēc tam varat baudīt neierobežotu filmu un TV nosaukumu.

00:00:00 / 01:27:00

Les vacances de Monsieur Hulot 1953 Bezmaksas neierobežota piekļuve

Les vacances de Monsieur Hulot 1953 Bezmaksas neierobežota piekļuve

Monsieur Hulot, Jacques Tati’s endearing clown, takes a holiday at a seaside resort, where his presence provokes one catastrophe after another. Tati’s masterpiece of gentle slapstick is a series of effortlessly well-choreographed sight gags involving dogs, boats, and firecrackers; it was the first entry in the Hulot series and the film that launched its maker to international stardom.

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