This film deals with the aftermath of the Algerian war of liberation. Georges Montero, an Algerian-born Frenchman, manages an olive canning factory...
An unemployed Algerian worker leaves Paris by hitchhiking. He soon found himself in Brittany and, seduced by the beauty of wild gorse, eventually...
A construction worker on a construction site in the Paris suburbs, Mehdi takes the bus to return home after work. Wishing to get off while the...
"For more than ten years, Algeria has been living a slow war, a war without a front line but having caused more than 100,000 deaths. It is this...
In a working-class immigrant neighborhood slated for demolition, Jo, the son of Ali, known as the Rescuer from the Algerian war, lives idle and...
Fandraisana maimaim-poana maimaim-poana, Mitadiava zavatra tsy misy doka, Lohateny an-tapitrisany ary ampiana isan'andro, Sehatra rehetra ary havaozina tanteraka, Na aiza na aiza ary amin'ny fotoana rehetra