Longing for a brighter future, two Senegalese teenagers embark on a journey from West Africa to Italy. However, between their dreams and reality lies...
Mory, a cowherd, and Anta, a university student, try to make money in order to go to Paris and leave their boring past behind.
Arranged to marry a rich man, young Ada is crushed when her true love goes missing at sea during a migration attempt — until a miracle reunites...
A fictional documentary that portrays the city of Dakar, Senegal, as we hear the conversation between a Senegalese man (the director, Djibril Diop...
MS Lidvard was shipping corn from Vietnam, arriving in Dakar, Senegal May 30th 1940. The ship was immediately held back by the government, together...
A little girl receives a message and discovers the hidden face of Dakar. An homage to Senegalese mythology and a stunning cinematic debut from...
Fandraisana maimaim-poana maimaim-poana, Mitadiava zavatra tsy misy doka, Lohateny an-tapitrisany ary ampiana isan'andro, Sehatra rehetra ary havaozina tanteraka, Na aiza na aiza ary amin'ny fotoana rehetra