Several generations following Caesar's reign, apes – now the dominant species – live harmoniously while humans have been reduced to...
Years after witnessing the death of the revered hero Maximus at the hands of his uncle, Lucius is forced to enter the Colosseum after his home is...
An ordinary Lego mini-figure, mistakenly thought to be the extraordinary MasterBuilder, is recruited to join a quest to stop an evil Lego tyrant from...
A tyrannical landlady in Hemet, California lords it over her tenants, pitting them against each other in a web of paranoia spun for deadly results.
Fandraisana maimaim-poana maimaim-poana, Mitadiava zavatra tsy misy doka, Lohateny an-tapitrisany ary ampiana isan'andro, Sehatra rehetra ary havaozina tanteraka, Na aiza na aiza ary amin'ny fotoana rehetra