Bridget Jones is an average woman struggling against her age, her weight, her job, her lack of a man, and her various imperfections. As a New Year's...
Life is simple for Sasamoto Sawa, a young housewife, but when the adulteress Takigawa Rikako moves into her neighborhood, so too does a new world of...
Virat sacrifices his love to honour the promise he made to a dying man. Trapped between the past and the present, will he find love beyond the chains...
The Affair explores the emotional effects of an extramarital relationship between Noah Solloway and Alison Lockhart after the two meet in the resort...
A story of a full-time mother's career advancement follows Shen Anan who loves life and loves food. After experiencing a marital crisis, she chooses...
When a popular anchorwoman for a prime time news show becomes the suspect in a murder case, her estranged husband - who has worked as a prosecutor in...
Gary Sparrow is an ordinary bloke in 1990s Britain, married to the ambitious Yvonne and working as a TV repairman. Then his whole world changes when...