A passionate coming-of-age tale set amidst the conservative confines of modern Tbilisi, the film follows Merab, a competitive dancer who is thrown...
The war is over. Once a young sculptor, and now a soldier, he returned home. Married, there were children. In search of work, he was hired to make...
Karesz has been raised in an institution, his mother has a new family, and her husband does not tolerate that she meets her first-born son. Karesz...
Presenter Charles Hazlewood stages a 140-person flashmob clog dance and explores the history of this folk dance that originated in the collieries and...
Fandraisana maimaim-poana maimaim-poana, Mitadiava zavatra tsy misy doka, Lohateny an-tapitrisany ary ampiana isan'andro, Sehatra rehetra ary havaozina tanteraka, Na aiza na aiza ary amin'ny fotoana rehetra