In the sequel to the parody trailer, Nick Donner is back and bigger than before. Exhausted by his career as both a rank-climbing law enforcer and the...
A bunch of friends are making a movie in an attempt to win the shortest film competition. But when people have to go to work, things get challenging....
Cores (Colours) is an experimental and independent animation by Clint Bones. Using Stop-Motion Animation, this film is about Palestine and their long...
Martine is a marriage counsellor at the Women's Centre in Montreuil. Between files and dance steps, she takes us on a tour of the centre, telling us...
Schafe - A Stop-Motion Film Spontaneously Created by Two Students Eager to Pass Their Second-Year CourseHD
IMDb: 0
A short story about two beings sharing life experiences as they go - A stop-motion film inspired by 'Shaun the Sheep', but in a horror version. Made...
this film is dedicated to people who are dying from the inside, trapped in their own mind.
whatever you struggle with, i made it visible so you know...