Deep in the African jungle, a baby named George, the sole survivor of a plane crash, is raised by gorillas. George grows up to be a buff and lovable...
James Parker and Harry Holt are on an expedition in Africa in search of the elephant burial grounds that will provide enough ivory to make them rich....
Greystoke: The Legend of Tarzan, Lord of the ApesHD
IMDb: 6.3
A shipping disaster in the 19th Century has stranded a man and woman in the wilds of Africa. The lady is pregnant, and gives birth to a son in their...
One of the most classic and revered stories of all time, Edgar Rice Burroughs' Tarzan returns to the big screen for a new generation. Tarzan and Jane...
White hunter Captain Fry tries to take Tarzan back to civilization, caged for public display. He arrives in the jungle with Jane's cousins, Eric and...