Documentary on water usage, money, politics, the transformation of nature, and the growth of the American west, shown on PBS as a four-part...
A voyage between a woman searching for the meaning of life and a man holding a book of poems on the longest river of Mainland China.
A new film compiled from the BFI National Archive's unparalleled holdings of early films of China, features films from 1900-48 filmed across China....
Swimming, Dancing examines audiovisual representations of the Yangtze (1934–present), from silent film to video art to the contemporary vlog....
Fandraisana maimaim-poana maimaim-poana, Mitadiava zavatra tsy misy doka, Lohateny an-tapitrisany ary ampiana isan'andro, Sehatra rehetra ary havaozina tanteraka, Na aiza na aiza ary amin'ny fotoana rehetra