Lucas, a wealthy, 43 year-old divorced businessman, is irresistibly attracted to Elsa, a 38 year old renowned sculptor from whom he has commissioned...
A depressed wife and mother whose reality is starting to fracture into fantasy, drives her children to the beach. On the return journey she stops at...
Together with her father, who had quit his salaryman job, Toyokawa Himeno moves to Gifu prefecture's Tajimi city. That's the city where her mother is...
Where does the impulse that leads us to create come from and how does it transform us? At what point does the artist begin to be built by the object...
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Waitohu Whakauru
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Whakauru Koreutu Koreutu, Rapua nga mea katoa Kaore he Panui, Miriona taitara ka taapirihia ia ra, Katoa nga papaaho me te Tino Aroturukihia, Ahakoa hea, ahakoa te wa