Based on actual accounts, this film portrays the days and hours before and during the invasion of the Falkland Islands by Argentina, which eventually...
For many, the name Malvinas/Falklands evokes an absurd war between England and Argentina in 1982. For Julieta Vitullo, the protagonist of this film,...
The drama tells the story of an Argentine elementary-school teacher sent by the government to a rural hamlet located in the northwestern province of...
Over the past 60 years Britain's Special Air Service regiment has carried out a wide variety of clandestine missions - from deep-penetration raiding...
Whakauru Koreutu Koreutu, Rapua nga mea katoa Kaore he Panui, Miriona taitara ka taapirihia ia ra, Katoa nga papaaho me te Tino Aroturukihia, Ahakoa hea, ahakoa te wa