A young teenager named Mikey Walsh finds an old treasure map in his father's attic. Hoping to save their homes from demolition, Mikey and his friends...
High school hotshot Zach Siler is the envy of his peers. But his popularity declines sharply when his cheerleader girlfriend, Taylor, leaves him for...
A listless and alienated teenager decides to help his new friend win the class presidency in their small western high school, while he must deal with...
It's graduation day at Huntington Hills High, and you know what that means - time to party. And not just any party, either. This one will be a night...
Enjoying college life as a popular student, Laura shares everything with her more than 800 friends on Facebook. But one day, after accepting a friend...
Chuuta Kokonose is an orphan who lives with his aunt. For as long as he can remember, he's had a voice in his head, but other than that he's a normal...
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