Set 70 million years ago in the Cretaceous period in North America, this animated docu/drama follows the journey of a young Edmontosaurus named Scar...
An anti-western propaganda film about the influences of American visual and consumption culture on the rest of the world, as told from a North Korean...
In 1966, Heinz Sielmann sets off on his longest expedition. He spent 19 months traveling through the wilderness of North America. From the alligator...
By retracing the mixed heritage of First Nations peoples and Quebecers, painting a modern portrait, and sketching a human geography, this film
Join Savage Films on an adventure in search of the best highball boulders on the West Coast of North America. Phenomenal cinematography takes you to...
"BATTLEGROUND" is a short documentary film conceived by Kwesi Thomas and Mark Bone which came to life through conversations immediately following the...
Hundreds of years from now, the last surviving humans discover the means of sending consciousness back through time, directly into people in the 21st...
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