During China's Song Dynasty, a mysterious murder occurs at Chancellor Quin Hui's palace after meeting delegates from the neighboring Jin Dynasty. The...
Charlotte Bronte's classic novel is filmed yet again. The story of the Yorkshire orphan who becomes a governess to a young French girl and finds love...
In early 19th century Wales, Catherine Morgan, a widow with two daughters, must endure the bumpy road to a distant market in order to sell her cattle...
Assigned to investigate various regions in Jiangnan, Detective Di Renjie becomes entangled in the mysterious disappearance of a young girl in Lin'an...
In the late Tang Dynasty, General Qian Liu and his troops encounter a fearsome two-headed beast while battling river pirates. As the creature escapes...
Zhang Qing, a present-day college student in culture and history major wants to study in professor Ye's postgraduate class, so he decides to write a...
The Tianxiang Restaurant in Wuxia Town has a playful shopkeeper Zhu Chengbi who is also a cuisine master, and a bookkeeper Chang Qing who has a magic...